honors classes

Are autistic students allowed in honors classes?

1,409 ViewsAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a wide range of abilities and challenges. Some individuals with autism may face significant cognitive and communicative barriers, while others might have average or even above-average intellectual abilities. Given this spectrum of capabilities, the question arises: Can autistic students be part of honors classes? Inclusion and Educational Rights: Legislation […]

choose a school

How to choose a school .?

554 ViewsGone are the days when the nearest school was the only one possible for his child. Public establishments compete fiercely with specific programs and varied fields of study. Even in primary! Skeptical about the quality of the elementary school in her neighborhood, Séverine Boitier, from Montreal, visited many schools during the last year of […]

school interview

Trick questions in a business school interview.?

446 ViewsTrick questions in a business school personality interview mainly arise in two cases:want to test your state of mind (did you lack humility. is trying to test the veracity of your statement. Also, only advance in known territory and keep in mind that you can only be trapped on your own initiative! It’s up […]

academic prospects more

Why are academic prospects more promising for students in private secondary schools?

521 ViewsIn Canada, about 6% of 15-year-olds attend a private schoolNote 2 . Although some provincial governments subsidize some of the costs, parents still have to pay tuition. Differences between the academic performance of children attending public schools and those attending private schools continue to attract public attention. A central question is the extent to […]

evaluation and control

The School between evaluation and control

485 ViewsIn education, in recent decades, controls have had a bad press and seemed archaic. They partially disappeared or became very discreet. It was then that evaluation, especially qualitative, took off considerably. 2 .Thirty years later, a page turns. The important development of the evaluation, its variety and its omnipresence contribute today to tarnish its […]